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Sign up today to get 5 free credentials. No credit card required. Subscribe in-app to issue more.

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If you want to issue over 1000 certificates per year we can give you a custom quote to suit your needs.

Unlock the Power of Shareable
Digital Credentials

Secure Blockchain Credentials
Our tamper-proof blockchain credentials provide added security and trust.

Using XRPL's power, we store all credentials on the blockchain, ensuring immutability. Boost confidence in employers, by ensuring the authenticity of credentials they’re verifying.
Lifelong Learning Ledger
Store credentials from multiple course providers in one place.

Learners get a personal digital record of achievement, making it easy to store and access credentials from learning and training. This record grows with them from education to work, showing their professional growth.
Learning Pathways
Stack micro-credentials into learning pathways resulting in a macro award.

Recognise achievements and keep learners motivated by rewarding their progress right from the start of their educational journey. This keeps learners engaged, and helps identify those who may need extra support.
Verified Skills
Digital credentials go beyond traditional qualifications. They acknowledge the practical skills gained during learning and help employers assess their relevance in the workplace.

Skills are attested by the course provider, and give a comprehensive overview of a learners’ capabilities.
Credential Designer
Align your digital credentials and brand identity with our Credential Designer.

Craft certificates and badges that match your brand aesthetics. Dynamic templates adapt for different courses and recipients. In a few clicks, you can import Canva or Figma designs and distribute them to learners.
Showcase expertise in specific areas using our Collections feature.

Learners can organise credentials to highlight accomplishments, skills, and knowledge. Collections help to demonstrate proficiency, showcase related achievements, and present a comprehensive portfolio.
LinkedIn Sharing
Promote your courses and let your learners’ shout about their achievements.

Shareable credentials act as a powerful marketing tool to boost course enrolment, and showcase your commitment to learner and employee growth. Learners can share credentials with their network in one click for quick validation.
Download & Print Credentials
Course Providers can easily batch-download credentials for record-keeping, while learners can effortlessly retrieve and print their own certificates as tangible proof.

Each credential has a QR code for quick online verification, ensuring authenticity and immediate confirmation, even in print format.
Coursework Evidence
Show evidence of coursework to boost the impact of credentials.

When issuing credentials, link to Google Docs, GitHub repositories, or online portfolios. Or, encourage learners to add their own evidence. By providing tangible examples of work to employers credibility is increased.

Credential Issuing Made Easy,
with Control at Your Fingertips

Data Management
Start issuing quickly by importing courses and learners via CSV. Integrate with your LMS or Student Record System using our APIs for complete automation. No coding skills? Use our Zapier integration for technical resource-free automation.

Get valuable insights on credential reach, sharing patterns, and views with our comprehensive data analytics. Discover popular courses and high-converting credentials.
Admin & Security
Equip your organisation with a range of Admin & Security features allowing you to be in full control of your credential issuance. Manage teams and grant precise permissions for team members that align with your needs. 

Issue tamper-proof and forgery-resistant credentials with blockchain security. Customise the privacy levels of credentials during issuance, for individual or public access. Then, empower learners to control their privacy and decide who can access their credentials after issuance.
We provide customised onboarding options to fit your preferences - whether you prefer self-paced or live onboarding. Our thorough training program ensures you are fully prepared for success. 

You can count on us for prompt assistance, with email support typically responding within 24 hours. We also offer regular check-ins, product updates, and training sessions to maximise your chances of success.
Subscription & Payment
What are the differences between subscription and pay-as-you-go plans?
How many credentials can I issue?
Do I pay for old credentials?
Is there an ongoing fee to maintain old credentials?
What are your pricing options?
How long are subscriptions
How does your billing cycle work?
What form of payments do you accept?
Will my subscription auto renew?
What if I want to issue more credentials? Can I change my plan?
Do you offer discounts for non-profits?
Management & Cancellation
How can I view and manage my VerifyEd™ account?
Can I still access my credentials after cancelling my VerifyEd™ account?

Empowering global institutions

IBM logo.The World Bank Group logo.UCL logo.University of Winchester logo.Middlesex University of London logo.Sumo Logic logo.Vitech logo.London Interdisciplinary School logo.Education Alliance Finland logo.Black Valley logo.Future Learn logo.Forward School logo.Gritly logo.The Kairos Project logo.