Recognising the skills and competencies of your learners not only acts as a motivator for your students, but also seriously improves their employability prospects.
We want to assist you in improving student engagement with your programmes and help your learners get the jobs they've worked so hard for. That's why we recently rolled out the ability to issue transcripts, modules and verified skills alongside certificates.
Transcripts and Modules
A lot of hard work goes into getting a degree. Your learners cover a wide range of topics and prove their expertise in each area before they're awarded with their certificate. But we also recognise that the certificate alone doesn't show off all that work, and so we have made it possible for you to issue transcripts and modules which are linked to a certificate.
So, how do you issue transcripts and modules with VerifyEd?
It's much like issuing a standard certificate with us. The only difference is you have to fill in the transcript and module information during your issuance. We allow you to upload modules via CSV to speed up the process of issuing (of course, you can add and edit the modules via our UI too). We can represent a wide variety of data which has been modelled off of real-world transcripts and modules. For the module, this includes its:
- Name
- Code
- Credits available and awarded
- Period
- Level
- Examination board
- Grade
- Result
- Mark
- Year
- Attempt number
- Points
- CPD information (hours, category and completion method)
- Verified skills
For the transcript, you can include its:
- Programme name
- Level
- Season
- Series
- Learner number
- Route
- Date of birth
- Academic advisor
- Year group
- HESA number
- Registration number, group and status
Most of these are optional fields, so you can issue with less information if you want or need to.

When you issue the batch of credentials, the learner will still receive their certificate, but they will also be presented with their transcript and modules associated to their studies. They can share any of these digital credentials and also download them as an image to share across professional networks like LinkedIn and social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Your learners can also choose to keep them private, they are in full control.
The certificate, transcript and modules your students are awarded are all individually verified against the blockchain, so everyone can be confident that what they're seeing is trustworthy and legitimate.
Verified Skills
One of the most exciting updates we've released alongside transcripts and modules is the ability for you to recognise skills that your learners have gained from completing your course. You are in control of these skills, and to what extent the learner practiced them. We take the skill information you provide to award learners verified skills which can help them prove their abilities and get found by recruiters who are looking for their particular expertise.
This vastly improves the confidence recruiters and employers have when reviewing a potential hire, and speeds up the process of discovery to placement in a relevant role. We're really excited about the impact of this feature on future learners, and have already seen learners getting contacted by recruiters based on their skills.
At the point of creating your course, you enter the skills that learners will practice during the course, and to what level they will be performing at. For example, if you were creating a business course, you might recognise these skills:

When you issue a credential for the course you've created, these skills are automatically assigned to the learners who completed the course - with no more effort needed on your end. Learners can stack up skills they've learned from many providers and showcase them on their profile. The highest-level skills (Level 4) stand out alongside skills that the learners may still need to work on.

We are actively working with organisations around the world to further research how skills can be mapped and graded in an accurate, transparent and interoperable way.