
If you have a question, suggestion or need a little help, please don’t hesitate to contact us - we’re always happy to assist.

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Institution FAQs

Who issues credentials?

You do!

Once you've set up your account you can issue credentials whenever you want via CSV. If you want to issue via an API, please contact us.

How does the blockchain work?

We use the blockchain to ensure the data we store cannot be edited - and is therefore completely tamper-proof.

For example, when you issue a credential we store a version of it on the blockchain. Then when we verify the credential in the future we compare our version to the blockchain to ensure everything is correct.

The blockchain stuff is all done our end so you can focus on the important things.

Can you issue credentials to students for learning opportunities beyond degree programmes?


We can issue any type of credential you require - regardless of it being a degree certificate.

Can you issue credentials in different languages?

We deal with different languages on a case-by-case basis, please contact us if you want to issue in a specific language (other than English).

What happens to a certificate if we issue it with a wrong name?

Your course information can be edited at any time your end by managing the existing course.

If a learner's name is incorrect, please contact us and we will fix it.

What are your prices?

We deal with pricing on a case-by-case basis to meet your specific needs. Please contact us so we can arrange a call with one of our team members!

Student FAQs

How do I view my credential?

When you are issued a VerifyEd™ credential you will get an email from us. Please check your spam folder if you cannot see it.

Once you've got that, you can click the link in the email to set up your account and you will see your credential on your profile page. Just tap it to open it.

Can I download or print my VerifyEd™ credential?


All your credentials can be downloaded by using the download button in the top right of your credential page.

Once downloaded, they can be printed however you like.

How do I share my credentials with those that require proof of my qualifications?

You can simply share the link to your credential's page (just make sure your credential is public first).

Alternatively, you can download your credential and message it to someone. They will be able to scan the QR code to verify it (again, as long as your credential is public).

Can I upload my own credentials to VerifyEd™?

Not at the moment, but we will be looking into this feature very soon. Contact us if you're interested!

My credential says it isn't verified, what can I do?

Don't panic, this occasionally happens. Try these things:

1. Refresh the page. Sometimes the verification fails as the server is too busy.

2. Wait around 10 minutes. When your institution issues a credential it is added to the blockchain to ensure it is tamper-proof and this can take a few minutes. During this time your credential won't verify. After you've waited, refresh the page.

3. Contact us. Sometimes we need to fix the issue our end. We will aim to get this fixed within 24 hours for you.

Recruiter FAQs

How can I trust what I see?

When you open a credential it is immediately verified against our records, and our blockchain records.

If you see a green checkmark, you can trust the credential has not been tampered with and is legitimate. If you see an error, you should not trust the credential.

Note: Errors occasionally happen randomly, so if you want to be completely sure just refresh the page.

Why can't I see some people's names?

Our learners are private by default to protect their privacy. However, they are still occasionally shown in search results if they have the relevant skills you are looking for - but their personal information isn't shown, hence the anonymous names.