Verified Course
Education Alliance Finland uses a method based on educational psychology and Finnish pedagogical knowledge to evaluate the quality of learning solutions. This EAF certified product is a well designed educational solution that aligns with learning science principles. Its design complies with research on learning and pedagogy and pursues to implement good practices in order to promote and support learning.
More course informationPedagogical Quality Certificate
Education Alliance Finland uses a method based on educational psychology and Finnish pedagogical knowledge to evaluate the quality of learning solutions. This EAF certified solution is a well designed educational solution that aligns with learning science principles. Its design complies with research on learning and pedagogy and pursues to implement good practices in order to promote and support learning. The solution has successfully passed certificate renewal process.
More about this coursePedagogical Quality Certificate
Education Alliance Finland uses a method based on educational psychology and Finnish pedagogical knowledge to evaluate the quality of learning solutions. This EAF certified solution is a well designed educational solution that aligns with learning science principles. Its design complies with research on learning and pedagogy and pursues to implement good practices in order to promote and support learning. The solution has successfully passed certificate renewal process.
More about this coursePedagogical Quality Certificate
Education Alliance Finland uses a method based on educational psychology and Finnish pedagogical knowledge to evaluate the quality of learning solutions. EAF certified product is a well designed educational solution that aligns with learning science principles. Its design complies with research on learning and pedagogy and pursues to implement good practices in order to promote and support learning.
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