Verified Course

Finalists and Graduation

6 weeks

Honing skills created in Years 1 & 2 to start looking for that graduate role

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Approaches to Studying at University

'Approaches to Studying at University' is a course awarded by Middlesex University on VerifyEd. Demonstration of familiarity with academic skills that enable success in university and which can be applied within a professional context. This has been demonstrated across a range of contexts including time management, referencing, creating original work and academic writing skills.

Academic writing, Creating original work , Time management, Referencing skills, University expectations

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How to Avoid Academic Misconduct

'How to Avoid Academic Misconduct' is a course awarded by Middlesex University on VerifyEd. This credential represents the acquisition of a deep understanding of academic misconduct behaviours across a range of contexts. These activities include purchasing assignments, copying other students’ or published work, self-plagiarism, dishonest use of data and using Artificial Intelligence software in assessments.

Identify academic penalties, Managing data with integrity , Collaborating with peers , Awareness of essay mills, Identifying plagiarism, Understanding self-plagiarism , Paraphrasing , Recognising misconduct

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Leadership and Influence

'Leadership and Influence' is a course awarded by Middlesex University on VerifyEd. A capacity for self management and autonomy. The ability, through demonstrating trust and integrity, to establish, nurture and sustain a range of strong personal connections with the potential for these to catalyse positive organisational change, innovation and outcomes. The capacity to engage and impact positively on others imparting a sense of trust, and the endorsement of a collective direction, aims and objectives.

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