Verified Course

Front-End Web Development

Forward School
15 weeks

At the end of the course, students will be able to; - Build and deploy a web page from scratch using HTML and CSS by utilizing Bootstrap, including all the features that come with HTML5 and CSS3, the latest version of HTML and CSS like local storage, animation, flexbox, etc. - Write JavaScript codes using the newer syntax and features in ES6 and beyond as well as understand the concepts variables, functions, classes, Objects, Arrays and other fundamentals. - Set up and configure your project with npm for managing and installing libraries, ESLint for code linting and Babel for transpiling code to plain JavaScript. - Understand React’s component concept, its lifecycle methods as well as how state and props work. Students will be able to write simple React component with state and props plus rendering it with JSX. - Setup and configure all the software and tools required for frontend development projects. - Tell the difference between SPA and traditional web application and most importantly, be able to develop one from scratch using React. - Build, test and debug PWA using React and DevTools.

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