Verified Institution
Inventory and Portfolio Management
In this online course you will learn how to correctly store your products through a collaborative inventory management strategy which will allow you to have optimal processes at the time of delivery for your final clients.
More about this courseEvaluación de Impacto de Programas Sociales
Aprende cómo las evaluaciones de impacto ayudan a diseñar e implementar programas y políticas que realmente funcionan.
More about this courseIntroducción a la factura electrónica
Conoce los beneficios de la facturación electrónica. La implementación de la misma, busca facilitar la relación entre quienes facturan electrónicamente y quienes adquieren bienes que son facturados por ese medio.
More about this courseElectronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Discover the physical principles behind diodes, light-emitting devices, and memories.
More about this courseElectricity and Magnetism: Maxwell’s Equations
In this final part of 8.02, we will cover Faraday’s Law, Circuits with Inductors, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic radiation. This introductory Electromagnetism physics course will require the use of calculus.
More about this courseIdentificación de producto con códigos de barras
Conoce el estándar general de GS1, la importancia de identificar de manera única todos los productos, artículos comerciales, unidades logísticas, ubicaciones, activos, y las relaciones en la cadena de suministro, a través del código de barras.
More about this courseElectricity and Magnetism: Magnetic Fields and Forces
Learn how charges create and move in magnetic fields and how to analyze simple DC circuits in this introductory-level physics course.
More about this courseIdentificación de dispositivos médicos (UDI)
Dentro de los servicios de salud, existe todo un gran proceso de logística, con el fin que lleguen los insumos a manos del paciente en el momento correcto, en perfecto estado y con la confianza de poder utilizarlo. Para lograrlo, hemos desarrollado un proceso de estandarización que permita generar la trazabilidad de los dispositivos médicos e identificarlos para evitar cualquier falsificación o manejo inadecuado del mismo.
More about this courseElectricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics
Learn how charges interact with each other and create electric fields and electric potential landscapes in this introductory-level physics course.
More about this courseGestión de producto con código electrónico
En el código electrónico se almacena una gran cantidad de información incluso mayor a la que se almacena en un código de barras. En este curso en línea aprenderás cómo funciona el Código Electrónico de Producto.
More about this courseElectrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices
In 3.15x we will explore the electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials and learn how electronic devices are designed to exploit these properties.
More about this courseGestión de inventario y portafolio
En este curso en línea aprenderás a tener un correcto almacenamiento de tus productos con una estrategia de colaboración en gestión de inventarios que te permitan un proceso optimo a la hora de realizar la entrega al cliente final.
More about this courseDisease, Climate Shocks, and Wellbeing: a Long History of Social Response to Crisis
The goal is to introduce participants to the complex arena in which economy, society and technology intersect to promote wellbeing using historical responses to disease and climate shocks as our lens of inquiry. Participants will be introduced to enduring historical questions and a variety of social science methodologies to address complex issues, which will give them tools to approach the challenges of their contemporary world.
More about this courseGestión de compras eficientes para tu empresa
En este curso en línea encontrarás las herramientas necesarias para realizar una correcta planeación de la demanda y obtén los conocimientos que requieres para realizar pronósticos, abastecimiento estratégico, gestión y evaluación de proveedores.
More about this courseCultivating Entrepreneurship & Antifragility to Thrive in a Fast-Paced World
Learn practical lessons from world-renowned experts on how to develop anti-fragile, purpose-led leaders and organizations to address the unprecedented, multilayered crises we face in the world today.
More about this courseFundamentos de logística
Te has preguntado cómo llega a nuestras manos desde las prendas de vestir que usamos, hasta los alimentos que consumimos. Estas experiencias han pasado por una serie de eslabones, procesos,operaciones y flujos que entendemos por: logística.
More about this courseCOVID-19 in Slums & Informal Settlements: Guidelines & Responses
Learn how COVID-19 has impacted the world’s most vulnerable populations across the Global South and understand the varied responses and guidelines in self-organized, self-built urban poor communities.
More about this courseFundamentos de la colaboración en las organizaciones
Aprende cómo la colaboración puede ayudar a las organizaciones a lograr objetivos, mejorar procesos y optimizar herramientas. Conoce cómo maximizar la redde valor.
More about this courseCollaborative Data Science for Healthcare
Data and learning should be at the front and center of healthcare delivery. In this course, we bring together computer scientists, health providers and social scientists collaborating to improve population health by analyzing and mining data routinely collected in the process of patient care.
More about this courseE-commerce logistics and Last Mile
High demand in the E-commerce market and the transportation of products are very important factors in customer satisfaction. From the moment the product is picked up at the store until it reaches the final client, it goes through different stages where the utmost care is needed. It is a great challenge to ensure that delivery is timely and in keeping with the client’s expectations. Last mile logistics is vital for E-commerce.
More about this courseDistribution: product delivery
Processes related to transportation cover the election of routes up to ensuring the reception of returns. In this online course you will learn about product delivery to perform timely and quality delivery.
More about this courseCircuits and Electronics 3: Applications
Learn about cool applications, op-amps and filters in the design of microchips used in smartphones, self-driving cars, computers, and the internet.
More about this courseCircuits and Electronics 2: Amplification, Speed, and Delay
Learn how to speed up digital circuits and build amplifiers in the design of microchips used in smartphones, self-driving cars, computers, and the Internet.
More about this courseDistribución: entrega de productos
Los procesos relacionados con el transporte abarcan desde la elección de las rutas hasta asegurar la recepción de las devoluciones. En este curso en línea conocerás el alcance de la distribución de productos para realizar una entrega de calidad y a tiempo.
More about this courseCircuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis
Learn techniques that are foundational to the design of microchips used in smartphones, self-driving cars, computers, and the Internet.
More about this courseDiseño de la red de valor
En este curso en línea aprenderás a diseñar tu propuesta de valor y conocerás los actores involucrados en tus procesos estratégicos, tácticos y operativos de la cadena de abastecimiento a través de herramientas de planeación organizacional.
More about this courseCapstone Exam – Materials for Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Devices
Take the Comprehensive Exam in Materials for Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Devices to earn the MITx xMinor credential.
More about this courseCódigo de barras para el recaudo de facturas
Aprende en este curso en línea cómo los sistemas de recaudo están diseñados para hacer que tu empresa reciba o genere de manera eficiente pagos a través de la lectura del código de barras en la factura,permitiendo organizar de mejor manera el dinero y las operaciones comerciales.
More about this courseBecoming an Entrepreneur
Learn the business skills and startup mindset needed to embark on your entrepreneurial path from the premier program for aspiring entrepreneurs, MIT Launch.
More about this courseThe Extremes of Life: Microbes and Their Diversity
Microbes are everywhere! Find out how diverse microbial life is, and what their genome sequences tell us.
More about this courseThe Chemistry of Life
Learn how to generate ideas at the interface between chemistry and biology.
More about this courseBecoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices
Explore mindsets and practices that help all students, especially underserved students, to thrive and feel valued.
More about this courseStochastic Processes: Data Analysis and Computer Simulation
The course deals with how to simulate and analyze stochastic processes, in particular the dynamics of small particles diffusing in a fluid.
More about this courseAP® Microeconomics
An overview of introductory microeconomics. Learn the key principles of economics and how to apply them to the real world - and the AP® exam!
More about this courseMore Fun with Prime Numbers
Take a deep dive into Prime Numbers - one of the most mysterious and important subjects in mathematics!
More about this courseAdaptive Markets: Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior
A completely new way of thinking about financial markets, institutions, and innovation that reconciles human behavior with market efficiency using concepts from evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.
More about this courseIntroduction to Statistical Methods for Gene Mapping
Learn about statistical methods used to identify genetic variants responsible for phenotypes.
More about this courseTrazabilidad: la clave de la eficiencia logística
La trazabilidad permite una mayor calidad, eficiencia y transparencia, en el seguimiento de un producto y/o activo a lo largo de su red de valor. Además, el intercambio y el uso de los datos permite el desarrollo de soluciones que mejoran la seguridad y confianza entre todos los socios de negocio.
More about this courseIntroduction to Geochemistry
The goal of the course is to apply chemical principles to understand the natural (non-living) world around us and appreciate its complexity.
More about this courseSupply Chain Design
On this online course you will learn how to design your value proposition and get to know the actors involved in all strategic, tactical and operational processes of the supply chain through organizational planning tools.
More about this courseIntroduction to Animal Ethics
Learn about what ethical issues arise in human-animal relationships, and how to think about such issues systematically. The course utilizes Manga as a study aid.
More about this coursePurchase management
On this online course you will find all necessary tools o correctly plan demand, and you will acquire knowledge for forecasting, strategic sourcing, management and provider evaluation.
More about this courseEvolution of the Human Sociality: A Quest for the Origin of Our Social Behavior
Learn about the origins of human beings and primatology, the scientific study of primates.
More about this courseEthics in Life Sciences and Healthcare: Exploring Bioethics through Manga
Learn about the ethical decisions surrounding critical health and life science issues vital to your life through Manga.
More about this courseLogística Ecommerce y Ultima Milla
Una alta demanda del consumidor en los canales ecommerce hace que la logística de entrega en la puerta de su casa se convierta en un factor muy importante para lograr una alta satisfacción y posible recompra. Desde que el producto se recoge en almacén hasta llegar al cliente final, pasa por diferentes etapas en las cuales se debe actuar con precaución. Existe un gran reto para que una entrega cumpla con el tiempo y las expectativas del cliente. La logística de última milla es la clave para el ecommerce.
More about this courseCulture of Services: Paradox of Customer Relations
Understand the subtle and sometimes counter-intuitive dynamics of customer relations. Learn a fresh, cultural perspective on service-focused industries.
More about this courseLogística del futuro
La digitalización, las tendencias e implicaciones tecnológicas y la aplicabilidad de big data, omnicanalidad y IoT, son conceptos fundamentales que le ayudarán a buscar soluciones estratégicas a los retos y desafíos logísticos del futuro latinoamericano.
More about this courseSex from molecules to elephants
Sex is, intriguingly, the universal mode of animal and plant reproduction. This unique course, filmed entirely on location, contrasts the richness of sex with its evolutionary conserved foundations, exploring the African savanna, Yellowstone national park, coral reefs, museums, and labs.
More about this courseLogística agrícola sostenible
Aprende las tendencias en el sector agrícola, las buenas prácticas agroindustriales y la optimización de procesos a lo largo de la red de valor.
More about this courseInventory and Portfolio Management
In this online course you will learn how to correctly store your products through a collaborative inventory management strategy which will allow you to have optimal processes at the time of delivery for your final clients.
More about this courseResilience - The art of coping with disasters
Resilience is an essential element in successful disaster management and coping. This course touches upon the internal and external resources and tools necessary for handling stressful situations and for emerging with increased strength from such experiences.
More about this courseReading Religious Conversion
The course ""Reading Religious Conversion"" exposes you to a wealth of conversion stories from across the globe and throughout history. The texts explore the complex aspects of religious identities and the varied expressions of community belonging and social borders.
More about this courseIntroducción a la factura electrónica
Conoce los beneficios de la facturación electrónica. La implementación de la misma, busca facilitar la relación entre quienes facturan electrónicamente y quienes adquieren bienes que son facturados por ese medio.
More about this courseIdentificación de producto con códigos de barras
Conoce el estándar general de GS1, la importancia de identificar de manera única todos los productos, artículos comerciales, unidades logísticas, ubicaciones, activos, y las relaciones en la cadena de suministro, a través del código de barras.
More about this courseProgramming for Everyone – An Introduction to Visual Programming Languages
This MOOC will help participants understand what programming is, and how to use programs. It will review programming languages and teach how to program in visual and intuitive languages. It requires no prior knowledge of programming or ofmathematics.
More about this courseIdentificación de dispositivos médicos (UDI)
Dentro de los servicios de salud, existe todo un gran proceso de logística, con el fin que lleguen los insumos a manos del paciente en el momento correcto, en perfecto estado y con la confianza de poder utilizarlo. Para lograrlo, hemos desarrollado un proceso de estandarización que permita generar la trazabilidad de los dispositivos médicos e identificarlos para evitar cualquier falsificación o manejo inadecuado del mismo.
More about this courseHealth Informatics for better and safer healthcare
Learn when and how Informatics is used in different fields of healthcare, what the benefits are and the challenges that still lie ahead.
More about this courseGestión de producto con código electrónico
En el código electrónico se almacena una gran cantidad de información incluso mayor a la que se almacena en un código de barras. En este curso en línea aprenderás cómo funciona el Código Electrónico de Producto.
More about this courseEnvironmental Protection and Sustainability
Uncover better solutions to help manage a wide range of environmental problems and challenges facing our world today.
More about this courseGestión de inventario y portafolio
En este curso en línea aprenderás a tener un correcto almacenamiento de tus productos con una estrategia de colaboración en gestión de inventarios que te permitan un proceso optimo a la hora de realizar la entrega al cliente final.
More about this courseEarly Christian Outlook and its Jewish Matrix: Narratives of Gospels and Acts
What exactly do we mean by saying that Christianity was born out of Judaism? Looking closer, you discover that various scholars disagree on the issue. This course, presented by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, offers you a Jerusalem perspective.
More about this courseGestión de compras eficientes para tu empresa
En este curso en línea encontrarás las herramientas necesarias para realizar una correcta planeación de la demanda y obtén los conocimientos que requieres para realizar pronósticos, abastecimiento estratégico, gestión y evaluación de proveedores.
More about this courseBayesian algorithms for Self-Driving Vehicles
Bayesian Algorithms for Self-Driving Cars is an advanced Computer science course, designed to equip the student with the most important localization algorithms now deployed in modern autonomous vehicles.
More about this courseFundamentos de logística
Te has preguntado cómo llega a nuestras manos desde las prendas de vestir que usamos, hasta los alimentos que consumimos. Estas experiencias han pasado por una serie de eslabones, procesos,operaciones y flujos que entendemos por: logística.
More about this courseFundamentos de la colaboración en las organizaciones
Aprende cómo la colaboración puede ayudar a las organizaciones a lograr objetivos, mejorar procesos y optimizar herramientas. Conoce cómo maximizar la redde valor.
More about this courseAUTONOMOUS ROBOTS
Autonomous Robots is an advanced Computer science course, designed to equip the student with the cutting edge tools of autonomous robots algorithms
More about this courseE-commerce logistics and Last Mile
High demand in the E-commerce market and the transportation of products are very important factors in customer satisfaction. From the moment the product is picked up at the store until it reaches the final client, it goes through different stages where the utmost care is needed. It is a great challenge to ensure that delivery is timely and in keeping with the client’s expectations. Last mile logistics is vital for E-commerce.
More about this course¿Qué financiar en salud y a qué precio?
Aprende con más de 40 expertos de todo el mundo sobre dos estrategias clave para mejorar la eficiencia del gasto público en salud y apoyar los países a avanzar hacia la Cobertura Universal de Salud (CUS): la priorización explícita en salud e instrumentos para conseguir precios más asequibles para los medicamentos.
More about this courseDistribution: product delivery
Processes related to transportation cover the election of routes up to ensuring the reception of returns. In this online course you will learn about product delivery to perform timely and quality delivery.
More about this courseWhat Works in Education: Evidence-Based Education Policies
Learn what works in education and how to identify, analyze and implement evidence-based education policies that improve learning through practical research and challenges observed in education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.
More about this courseDistribución: entrega de productos
Los procesos relacionados con el transporte abarcan desde la elección de las rutas hasta asegurar la recepción de las devoluciones. En este curso en línea conocerás el alcance de la distribución de productos para realizar una entrega de calidad y a tiempo.
More about this courseUna mirada a la gestión de riesgos ambientales y sociales en proyectos BID
En menos de 2h aprenderás por qué es importante gestionar oportunamente los riesgos socioambientales, en temas como medio ambiente, trabajo y condiciones laborales, salud y seguridad en la comunidad, reasentamiento involuntario, pueblos indígenas, e igualdad de género.
More about this courseDiseño de la red de valor
En este curso en línea aprenderás a diseñar tu propuesta de valor y conocerás los actores involucrados en tus procesos estratégicos, tácticos y operativos de la cadena de abastecimiento a través de herramientas de planeación organizacional.
More about this courseCódigo de barras para el recaudo de facturas
Aprende en este curso en línea cómo los sistemas de recaudo están diseñados para hacer que tu empresa reciba o genere de manera eficiente pagos a través de la lectura del código de barras en la factura,permitiendo organizar de mejor manera el dinero y las operaciones comerciales.
More about this courseSeguridad Vial en América Latina y el Caribe: de la teoría a la acción
Conoce los principales retos y herramientas de seguridad vial en América Latina y el Caribe. ¡Un curso con expertos de más de 10 países!
More about this courseThe Extremes of Life: Microbes and Their Diversity
Microbes are everywhere! Find out how diverse microbial life is, and what their genome sequences tell us.
More about this courseThe Chemistry of Life
Learn how to generate ideas at the interface between chemistry and biology.
More about this courseRoad Safety in the Caribbean Region: Safe Urban Mobility (3/3)
Learn about the vulnerable users and get a good understanding of some of the main challenges and effective interventions for safe urban mobility.
More about this courseStochastic Processes: Data Analysis and Computer Simulation
The course deals with how to simulate and analyze stochastic processes, in particular the dynamics of small particles diffusing in a fluid.
More about this courseRoad Safety in the Caribbean region: Safe Infrastructure (2/3)
Learn and explore the good practices and methodologies for a safer road design for all users.
More about this courseMore Fun with Prime Numbers
Take a deep dive into Prime Numbers - one of the most mysterious and important subjects in mathematics!
More about this courseRoad Safety in the Caribbean region: Institutions and Data Management (1/3)
Learn about the current state of road safety in our region, its main challenges, and areas of action.
More about this courseRisk Management in Development Projects
Learn to preemptively manage positive and negative events that may affect the execution of a development project.
More about this courseIntroduction to Statistical Methods for Gene Mapping
Learn about statistical methods used to identify genetic variants responsible for phenotypes.
More about this courseQué funciona en educación: políticas educativas basadas en evidencia
Aprende qué funciona en educación: cómo identificar, analizar e implementar políticas educativas que efectivamente mejoran aprendizajes.
More about this courseIntroduction to Geochemistry
The goal of the course is to apply chemical principles to understand the natural (non-living) world around us and appreciate its complexity.
More about this courseProject Management for Development
A MOOC developed in collaboration with the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF). Learn best practices for managing projects that promote economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
More about this courseIntroduction to Animal Ethics
Learn about what ethical issues arise in human-animal relationships, and how to think about such issues systematically. The course utilizes Manga as a study aid.
More about this coursePolíticas efectivas de desarrollo infantil
En este curso encontrarás herramientas que te permitan diseñar, implementar y evaluar políticas y programas de desarrollo infantil de calidad.
More about this courseEvolution of the Human Sociality: A Quest for the Origin of Our Social Behavior
Learn about the origins of human beings and primatology, the scientific study of primates.
More about this courseEthics in Life Sciences and Healthcare: Exploring Bioethics through Manga
Learn about the ethical decisions surrounding critical health and life science issues vital to your life through Manga.
More about this courseLíderes para la Gestión en Seguridad Ciudadana y Justicia
Este curso se centra en seguridad ciudadana y justicia en América Latina y el Caribe. Aprende sobre lo último en prevención, modernización policial y de justicia, y reinserción social.
More about this courseCulture of Services: Paradox of Customer Relations
Understand the subtle and sometimes counter-intuitive dynamics of customer relations. Learn a fresh, cultural perspective on service-focused industries.
More about this courseLeaders in Citizen Security and Justice Management
Learn about the latest in prevention, police and justice modernization, and social rehabilitation.
More about this courseSex from molecules to elephants
Sex is, intriguingly, the universal mode of animal and plant reproduction. This unique course, filmed entirely on location, contrasts the richness of sex with its evolutionary conserved foundations, exploring the African savanna, Yellowstone national park, coral reefs, museums, and labs.
More about this courseInversión Extranjera como Motor del Desarrollo para América Latina y el Caribe
Aprende qué significa la inversión extranjera directa (IED) para las personas, empresas y economías de América Latina y el Caribe, y cómo los gobiernos la pueden atraer con más éxito.
More about this courseResilience - The art of coping with disasters
Resilience is an essential element in successful disaster management and coping. This course touches upon the internal and external resources and tools necessary for handling stressful situations and for emerging with increased strength from such experiences.
More about this courseReading Religious Conversion
The course ""Reading Religious Conversion"" exposes you to a wealth of conversion stories from across the globe and throughout history. The texts explore the complex aspects of religious identities and the varied expressions of community belonging and social borders.
More about this courseGobierno Digital
Todo lo que quieres saber sobre gobierno digital – qué es, por qué es importante y cómo promoverlo, en menos de 2 semanas.
More about this courseProgramming for Everyone – An Introduction to Visual Programming Languages
This MOOC will help participants understand what programming is, and how to use programs. It will review programming languages and teach how to program in visual and intuitive languages. It requires no prior knowledge of programming or ofmathematics.
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